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Monday, June 26, 2006

Common food allergies you have to watch out for!

Food allergies range from very mild to life-threatening (anaphylactic reaction). The mildest symptoms are usually itchiness in the mouth and throat. Other mild to moderate symptoms include general itchiness, hives or rash, runny/itchy nose and eyes, recurrent earaches, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea

In the more serious anaphylactic reaction, the mouth, throat, and bronchial tubes swell to the extent that normal breathing is hampered. The person may wheeze or faint. Often there are generalized hives and/or swollen face. Immediate medical attention and treatment must be sought because this is life-threatening reaction!

Common food allergens:

1) Peanuts: This is often life-threatening. Call a doctor for any reactions to peanut products! (Peanuts can be a hidden ingredient in a number of foods.)
2) Soy: This can also be a hidden ingredient in a number of foods.
3) Fish and/or shellfish especially prawns and crabs: In some people, these reactions can be severe, ranging from extreme nausea to breathing
4) Berries
5) Peppers
6) Milk proteins: Less common than we think - most people are actually intolerant rather than allergic.
7) Wheat (and gluten), as well as some other grains (corn, rye)
8) Eggs

Please take note that many reactions have unknown cause!


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